Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Attitudes @ Mandalay, Tri-Fold Brochure
Quality Thermography Sharp & Precise:

Based upon the highly stylized business cards REPUBLIC designed and printed for Tracey Jordan of ATTITUDES AT MANDALAY, (see blog post entry Monday, May 4, 2009:
Click here); REPUBLIC was commissioned to design the ATTITUDES AT MANDALAY "tri-fold".
"ATTITUDES" is a full service Salon an Spa where clients can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Classy and distinguishing design was required in the development of this sophisticated marketing piece.
Labels: tri-fold
# posted by REPUBLIC : 11:10 AM
Monday, May 25, 2009
REPUBLIC @ LA Marathon
Official T-Shirt:

Downtown LA:

Fixture in-front of KPMG building on Hope & 3rd:

REPUBLIC had the opportunity to swing by the LA Marathon event and show support for "Doug" on Memorial Day! Douglas Wilder, Manager of Costco in Garden Grove, CA raised over $1,000 dollars for CHOC (Children's Hospital Orange County).
Great to see so many people running for so many important causes!
Labels: T-Shirt
# posted by REPUBLIC : 11:00 AM
Monday, May 18, 2009
Santa Clara High School Graduation Invitations

Special Thanks to Casimir Komski, Graduating Senior, of Santa Clara High School for soliciting REPUBLIC in the design & printing of his official graduation invitations (complimented with belly straps & envelopes).
Simple, classic, & intricate! It's effective and it's what REPUBLIC does!
Labels: Graduation Invitation + Belly Strap + Envelope
# posted by REPUBLIC : 11:58 AM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
REPUBLIC @ California Strawberry Festival 05/16/09
For those of you who attended this past weekends 26th Annual, California Strawberry Festival; We of REPUBLIC design company sincerely hope you found the map design & layout to be visually stimulating, informative, and fun to look at!
Event Brochure/Catalogue:

@ the Strawberry Promenade Tent (poster-board designs):

Entry Forms Design:

Enter 2 win an all-expense paid vacation to Hawaii:

Star-Berry Hunt, Berry Baffling poster-board designs:

Old Site Map:

New & Improved Site Map:

You are here:

Old & New Site maps @ Info Booth:

Brought to you by:

Mary Katherine Gallagher: "My feelings would best be described in a monologue, from the made-for-TV movie, Shooting Stars, which is a Jackson 5 story, starring Lawrence Hilton Jacob III, from Welcome Back Cotter, as Jo Jackson, their driven, yet abusive, daddy dreamer..."
Labels: Marketing Campaign
# posted by REPUBLIC : 4:30 PM
Friday, May 15, 2009
REPUBLIC automotive design pick-of-the-week: Audi R8
-Stepped outside REPUBLIC design studios to see this beautiful beast sitting out-front...

Ground effects:


Appropriately titled:

Name brand recognition...

Striking design!
(according to Road & Track periodical):
"...And it's looks? Please. Admirers will be gawking everywhere the R8 goes. It's like trying not to stare at Salma Hayek walking by - an R8 is just plain hard to ignore, (
Labels: automotive pick-of-the-week
# posted by REPUBLIC : 5:00 PM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Art Walk Downtown LA 05/14/09, 12-9p.m.
Second Thursday of Every Month
The Downtown Art Walk is a free, self-guided tour of the many art galleries and museums in Downtown Los Angeles.

You've gotta love "Dropped Caddys":

Prints for sale @ ManOne's CREWEST art gallery:

Pharmaka: 101 W. 5th St.

Outdoor Gallery (between 5th & 6th, on Main)

Classic Rosslyn Hotel:

Bert Green Fine Art Gallery:

Labels: Art Walk
# posted by REPUBLIC : 6:00 PM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
H&L Salas Business Services, Inc.
Old Business Card:

New Business Card:

Special thanks to Livier & Henry Salas of H&L Salas Business Services for soliciting our services in the design, recreation & update of their corporate identity and business card.
The best work (in our opinion), comes from close client partnerships, and a strong foundation of trust...
With careful consideration and attention to detail, we are able to create that elusive "Je-Nous-Se-Qua" that causes an identity to cast a shadow on all predecessors...
Labels: Logo/Identity RE-design + Business Card
# posted by REPUBLIC : 3:00 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
Villa Park High School, Erika for Senior Class V.P.
Pencil Sketch:

Graphic Recreation/Outline:

What it will look like after silk-screen:

Special Thanks to Erika Herrera of Villa Park High School, (Villa Park, CA) for the pencil sketch design & digital rendering of her "Erika for Senior Class V.P." T-Shirt.
Erika requested REPUBLIC employ our "tagging/bombing" capabilities [chuckle] to design an innovative, fun, cool, T-shirt for her Vice Presidency campaign. She will be distributing 48 shirts to her close friends to wear the weeks leading up to her election (hopefully).
Good Luck Erika!
Labels: T-Shirt + Illustration
# posted by REPUBLIC : 8:00 PM
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
California Strawberry Festival, Star Berry Hunt Poster-board designs

Grindin' away, 'till the wee hours of the mañana
"Star-Berry Hunt, Berry Baffling Trivia Poster-boards"
-Will take pictures of final product at the actual California Strawberry Festival Next week...
Labels: Illustration + Coroplast/Outdoor Sign
# posted by REPUBLIC : 11:00 PM
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
2009 MASERATI Granturismo

My neighbor from across the street brought this beautifully designed piece of machinery out for a joy-ride on Cinco-de-Mayo...

"The Maserati Gran Turismo, Pininfarina's magnificent new creation, is a modern, four-seater, two-door coupé that remains faithful to Maserati tradition in blending power and style..."
Labels: automotive pick-of-the-week
# posted by REPUBLIC : 11:00 AM
Monday, May 04, 2009
Attitudes at Mandalay

Thanks to Tracey Jordan of Attitudes at Mandalay for soliciting REPUBLIC's services in the design, implementation and printing of their business cards and tri-fold.
Pictured here are the business cards printed on Neenah Paper, Environment Series 80# Cover, "Tortilla" (name of Paper design/texture).
"Feliz Cinco de Mayo"!
Labels: Logo/Identity RE-design + Business Card
# posted by REPUBLIC : 11:55 PM

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