Monday, September 21, 2009
100 Business Cards
+ 100 Postcards
All for:
(*restrictions apply, see details below)
REPUBLIC Design Company is proud to present this weeks 2-piece custom tailored package deal titled: "FREE FOR FUTURE FAMILY FIESTA". We've aptly titled this special offer as such because of the increase in business card/post-card combo package-deal's REPUBLIC has been producing. Additionally, we want to invite potential/future clients to "join our family" of satisfied clients by taking advantage of this amazing value; as well as experience "first-hand" the power of quality design, along with it's correlation to increased profits!

QTY: 100
2" X 3.5" 16PT Business Cards
with Full UV on the front only,
No UV coating on the back
Business cards are offered in a variety of sizes and finishes which are printed on premium card stock. Your customers will be impressed with the vibrant, accurate colors and the lasting impression these business cards will leave.

QTY: 100
4" X 6" 16PT Postcards
with Full UV on the front only,
No UV coating on the back
Postcards are printed on premium quality card stock. Use postcards to reach new markets, maintain contact with customers, or thank and reward loyal customers.
Give us a call or shoot us an e-mail to start on your "FREE FOR FUTURE FAMILY FIESTA" project TODAY!!!
-REPUBLIC Design Company.
(*Offer valid from 09/21/09 to 09/25/09. Excludes shipping and handling. Offer valid for "NEW clients" only. Offer valid if Artwork is provided by client and files are deemed "ready for print" by REPUBLIC design company. Offer does not include REPUBLIC design company's time for Design & Layout of said print materials. Quote based on 100 quantity business cards, and 100 postcards run combined. Additional restriction may apply up-to the sole discretion of REPUBLIC Design Company).
# posted by REPUBLIC : 10:00 AM
Friday, September 11, 2009
A&A Auto Collision Center
Business Card (front):

Business Card (back):

Logo option 1:
A&A Auto Collision Center commissioned REPUBLIC Design Company for the design and implementation of their comprehensive logo/identity revitalization project.
What makes this project unique is that Jerry Ayala, Principal and Owner of A&A Auto Collision Center, asked REPUBLIC Design Company to integrate his favorite auto body-type (the "Carmengia"), along with his company logo type-font ("A&A"). Coupled with palm trees on either side (for balance) and a Hawaii-esque backdrop, the end-result... Well... Tell us what you think!
Next up for A&A Auto Collision Center is a tri-fold informational brochure! Stay tuned for much more to come...
-REPUBLIC Design Company
Labels: Logo/Identity + Tri-Fold
# posted by REPUBLIC : 3:00 PM
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors
18" x 24" Car Magnets:

9" x 30" Car Magnets:
Kadhine Vazquez-Navarro of RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors commissioned REPUBLIC Design Company for the Design of her Car Magnets.
Specializing in home sales for the Ventura County real-estate market, Kadhine made it easy for us to take her business card design, place an amazing backdrop, and create a distinct layout for her car!
You can view listings in Ventura County by visiting Kadhine's website @:
-REPUBLIC Design Company
Labels: Car Magnets
# posted by REPUBLIC : 10:00 AM
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Photo shoot "test-prints" in front of mural in Silverlake, CA

Brian & Susy (pictured above) commissioned REPUBLIC Design Company for the design and implementation of their ultra unique "Save the Date" wedding postcards.
Susy opted for "something different". She envisioned a hip, urban "Save the Date" postcard that was fun, inviting, and more a reflection of her personality.
The test print above was taken with an iphone 3-megapixel camera. Soon to follow is the postcard designed with the clients photo of choice. Check back again soon for the finished product
-REPUBLIC Design Company
Labels: Save_The_Date_Postcards
# posted by REPUBLIC : 12:19 AM
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
The Ramirez Family

Steve M. Ramirez II, of the Oxnard Police Department, (OPD), commissioned REPUBLIC Design Company for the original design and implementation of "The Ramirez Family" emblem.
Class... Sophistication... Elegance... The Ramirez Family exhibit all of these qualities, (and then some)...
Amongst a slate of various applications, the Ramirez Famiy emblem was first implemented in an 8.5" x 11" fund-raiser application/flyer. The honoree? Assemblyman Pedro Nava as Candidate for California State Attorney General, 2010. The event will take place at the Topa Tower Club on October 9, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
-REPUBLIC Design Company
Labels: Emblem
# posted by REPUBLIC : 8:10 PM
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Amadeus LST: Limosene + Shuttle + Taxi
Ventura County Shuttle Route:

Promotional Sales Postcard:
Amadeus LST commissioned REPUBLIC Design Company for the Design and implementation of a myriad of marketing collateral pieces.
Pictured above are the following:
1. 6" x 9" Ventura County Shuttle Route Map postcard/flyers
2. 4.25" x 5.5" Amadeus LST Sales postcard/flyers
3. Albert Villagomez business cards
4. General, Amadeus LST business cards
Amadeus is well equipped to reach multiple markets with these awesome marketing pieces. Fantastic Design, coupled with great specials and viable services; there's no question Amadeus LST (Limousine, Shuttle, Taxi) is poised to become Ventura County's premier transportation service provider of choice.
-REPUBLIC Design Company
Labels: Marketing Collateral, various
# posted by REPUBLIC : 2:00 PM

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