Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Amadeus LST: Limosene + Shuttle + Taxi
Ventura County Shuttle Route:

Promotional Sales Postcard:
Amadeus LST commissioned REPUBLIC Design Company for the Design and implementation of a myriad of marketing collateral pieces.
Pictured above are the following:
1. 6" x 9" Ventura County Shuttle Route Map postcard/flyers
2. 4.25" x 5.5" Amadeus LST Sales postcard/flyers
3. Albert Villagomez business cards
4. General, Amadeus LST business cards
Amadeus is well equipped to reach multiple markets with these awesome marketing pieces. Fantastic Design, coupled with great specials and viable services; there's no question Amadeus LST (Limousine, Shuttle, Taxi) is poised to become Ventura County's premier transportation service provider of choice.
-REPUBLIC Design Company
Labels: Marketing Collateral, various
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